In the works, v2

The first rule of blogging is: don’t talk about work. It’s a cardinal rule, the violation of which can result in much pain and regret in future.


So back in October last year, I foreshadowed going overseas for my “second rotation”, but didn’t really follow up on it here – effectively, the idea had been shut down between then and January. When I spoke to HR early in the year, the final nails had been prepared for the coffin of the idea… but then, along comes the senior manager, and asks if I’m ready to go to London.

Am I.

Some complicating factors aside that I may or may not detail, that’s just blew-my-mind huge chance I’d never miss. I’d be over there for 6 to 7 months at least, from around April to at least the end of the year. Many details remain to be told, but chances are looking good.

(and then there’s that sneaky little bit of me that clings to the complicating factors, and the whole idea of “Damn just have some stability for a while!” and hopes this jinxes it just like before… down, evil traitorous thoughts!)

Oh and I got a bonus and a raise! I’m now earning roughly one and half times what I was expecting to earn for a few years to come when I imagined things back at the start of uni. Teh sweetness.

But keep it hush, you.

France “dims” for climate change

Throughout France, the lights were turned off for 5 minutes as a way of raising awareness of climate change

While the primary objective was to raise awareness, I’m not sure how switching off the lights would do that explicitly. However, the main electricity operator said there was a drop of some 800MW, or 1% of France’s total consumption. 800MW is a decent amount of energy – a single modern nuclear power plant generates about that much.

The question from me would be: why don’t we do it more often, and for longer? There’s entirely too many lights on at night that needn’t be.

The Finger

Having spent the last two days effectively giving people the finger, and a pretty ugly looking one at that, I can tell all you right handers: you have no idea how much you use your left hand’s middle finger.


Movies Jan 07

Movies to watch at some point: (links to my review when posted)

  • Happy Feet (teh cuteness + Robin Williams!)
  • The Pursuit of Happyness (Will Smith!)
  • Babel (wanted to watch this for long time)
  • Deja Vu (Denzel + Sci Fi)
  • Blood Diamond (action)
  • Breaking & Entering (Hope it’s like Closer)
  • Epic Movie (bwahahaha)
  • Flushed Away (how can you not love Aardman?)
  • Marie Antoinette (Kirsten Dunst + anarchisms)
  • For Your Consideration (heard about it)
  • Hot Fuzz (From the team that brought you Shaun of the Dead)

Coming soon

Hmm, that’s a lot to watch…


Well that didn’t go half so well as I imagined… I suppose no-one significantly noticed, but the site was down last night as I managed to bork it somehow while upgrading to WordPress 2.1. Things are more-or-less back to normal, at least from the front end, but it was a worthy kick-up-the-ass for attempting doing things quick & dirty.

So yeah, any problems, gimmie a holler.