Delivery to your Door

I get to my door, and as I’m fumbling with the key in the dark, my phone goes beserk. One message after another piles in, for 30 seconds easily, the tone going into parallel play mode, which, for that little phone’s electrical heart? nup.

Oh. I see.

It appears 3 was, uh, helpfully holding my messages while I was on, uh, “holiday”. Sorry to Kirsty, Peter, Fay & Fiona for appearing to totally ignore SMS, it wasn’t my fault!


Some work around the house, a late long brunch, a poker night, sports spectating with friends, sleeping in till 11, a long lunch with older friends, and some basketball action to get the heart pumping.

This is what weekends are made of.

21st Feedback?

It may seem like a long way off, but I’ve got to start planning my 21st birthday party already. I’ll be in London on my actual birthday, so I’ve pretty much got to have everything organised before I leave so that I can have one as soon as I get back. Which will be like November, but that’s for another day.

So what I wanted to know was, from your own 21sts, what’s the feedback? What works? Formal, casual, theme, random, event, dinner, music, etc? I’ve been leaning towards formal for a while, mainly because I love the whole atmosphere of a formal setting, but I don’t know how popular it will end up being. I’ve been to a mix of parties, but would like a little perspective from those who’ve gone through the process themselves, so that I can make a more informed decision.

Australia 3 def. Japan 1

World Cup breaking news – Australia 3 (Cahill 84′ 89′, Aloisi 92′) def. Japan 1 (Nakazawa 26′)

I don’t even care that I tipped 2-1 and so miss out on a bonus 2 points =D

オーストラリア:3 日本:1 =P すまん、日本人たち、これは私たちの勝ちだ .

G’nite folks!

Just a little awkward

At the hairdresser today:

“… they had some great green-coloured drinks,” says the hair dresser-lady

“Yeah, they taste really good,” say I, halfway through a hair cut.

“I didn’t have one though… no good for the bub,”

“Oh, you’re pregnant?”

Temperature of the the room drops many, many degrees.

“Haha,” I try to save with a nervous laugh, “I’m as blind as a bat without my glasses on…”


I’ll be in Melbourne over the weekend, so chances are no posting. If you want to meet up, give me a buzz.

Also, WordPress upgraded to 2.0.2. Let me know if anything goes funny, though it probably shouldn’t.


“Look, there’s a simple reason why you should convert – don’t you want to go to heaven? That’s the whole purpose of life!”

“Ain’t that a bit of a dead-end purpose?”

Yes, my friends, I have had my first visit from a missionary. And a horrendous pun to shut him up =)

I wuz gonna post something long…

… but I got distracted by a lovely afternoon spent as one would if one were 15 with nothing better to do. At the “mall”.

Anyway, by all accounts, I am off to Sydney tomorrow morning and I will stagnate there for a couple of days (read: watch movies, read books, eat popcorn, do all the things my parents tell me not to do and do them all day.) before work starts on Monday. I hope to have access all set, but due to the extreme lag Australian ADSL seems to take from application to activation it’ll be dialup and I don’t quite know how I’ll cope. Slowly, I suppose.

Until such time my friends… au revoir!