Q: What kind of mechanic/barber/post office/motor registry is open extended hours on the weekend?
A: A profitable one. Let me spend my money, bastards!
never could get the hang of thursdays
Q: What kind of mechanic/barber/post office/motor registry is open extended hours on the weekend?
A: A profitable one. Let me spend my money, bastards!
A: Ones where the staff aren’t lazy…there are a few down here :P
You should see Canberra on the weekend. It was hard enough finding a shopping centre open at decent hours, let alone any smaller stores.
ok the post office’s answering machine message lied. The post office here is also open Saturday 9 – 12. Now I just have to get up in time…
The motor registry is the same, but it should be open longer from the lines there.
The hair dresser in the local Westfields was open all weekend, which is good. Except they cut about 40% too short, which is bad.
The mechanic, on the other hand, is just lazy.