Rant about my name, #3523

Gods, even when I’m speaking they turn it into “Karen”. I recieved 3 letters in the last week with Karen instead of my carefully spelt name (“Obviously someone screwed up typing it because the a and e keys are like practically next to each other. Oh they screwed up this mister stuff as well.”), and on top of this lazy ass f#$ks at work in the IT Support side of things like to read what they expect.
Sample exchange:

“Is this Karen’s phone?”

“Yes, this is Karan speaking.”

“Oh so can I speak to Karen?”

Next punkass that gets my name wrong makes intimate friends with my knuckles.


“Look, there’s a simple reason why you should convert – don’t you want to go to heaven? That’s the whole purpose of life!”

“Ain’t that a bit of a dead-end purpose?”

Yes, my friends, I have had my first visit from a missionary. And a horrendous pun to shut him up =)

You’re working in Sydney when…

Harbour Views? Tick.

Actually, that’s about it for knowing when you’re really working in Sydney. What more can you truly ask for than harbour views from your office when you’re merely a graduate? It’s stunningly gorgeous. I remember those moments of doubt, of questioning myself as to why i went through the hassle to move up to Sydney, and then I look out the window and… bang, there it is. I’m sorry, no other way to put it.

I avoided giving a description yesterday of Sailing because it’s one of those had-to-be-there type of things. I’m not the greatest sailor by any means, and the blowy winds didn’t help what so ever, and while there were some hair-raising moments, the adrenaline rush wiped it out and the whole experience was very positive. Plus it helps that we snatched 2nd place in a field of seven when rounding the first bend we’d been 6th. Come-from-behind? There is no better definition!
Still, I’m your stock land-loving rat, and when all pirate jokes were aside it was real and it was hard and all in all I’d rather be on something a fair bit more sizeable. Say with 6 decks or so.

Today consisted of more presentations introducing us to the bank and its policies. HR, Compliance, and a demonstration of how the whole bank works together. (I asked for policies on dooceability, but beyond the standard privacy policy – god knows there’s enough of them – I’m free to blog. Nothing to specific, obviously.) Thrown in the mix was lunch with the previous year’s grads. Finally the day was capped by cocktails with the Australia-NZ CEO, at which there was an abundance of everything but cocktails, but I’m not one much to mind. Met my manager and worked out roughly what i’m doing. The deep end it truly is.

And thus… it begins. Tomorrow morning, 9am, office, work. Harbour Views though. Don’t know if I’ll actually get work done with that view out the window…

(oh and p.s. I wonder how quickly you can call people friends. I did kinda automatically today, wonder whether the label will stick =D)

“… I painted the house.”

I’m kinda nervous. I’m here much too early, so I stop at a park bench in the sun, adjust my tie, shift stuff around in my bag. Haven’t worn a tie for this long since high school, basically, and I’m not even in the door of the place. Gawd.

m-flo & yoshika start to sing let go. I exhale deeply, glance at my watch. 8:37. Close enough to showtime if there ever was one. I pick up my bag and go.

I get to the building and its newness is palpable. Later today I will find out that, initially at least, I will be working at the older building, right on the harbour. For now, the elevator speeds upwards, fast, and accentuated by the glass letting you see exactly how quick you’re rising into corporate Sydney. It glides to a stop at floor 16, deceleration not helping the nervous stomach at all. The preponderance of glass lets me see I’m not the first, and suddenly it’s just another corporate office to walk into, only I’ll be working here, soon enough. Initial smiles are all a little nervous and tentative, speech just a notch below what it needs to be, but tension is broken soon enough and the introductory routine settles in.

26 grads starting, total of 4 in Technology, 5 ladies spread through other departments. 4 others have moved up from Melbourne, and 2 are here for training, so I’m not so much of an outsider all of a sudden. Best of both cities, really. I’m the youngest here, by a clear margin of 2 years – fast course, young starter. Funny, I feel part of the place already – and it’s only 9:30, and I’ve already forgotten people’s names.

Self-Introductions. I remember to not concede the pronounciation war this time, insisting on the closest to the original sound over ease of pronounciation. I figure you get one crack at getting people to get used to it correctly. Find myself only Monash grad to make it through.

“And over the summer, I painted the house.”

It appears I’m the only one that didn’t either go overseas or do an internship (thereby prepping you very nicely for the environment). Still, it gets a laugh, and that’s worth something.

The rest of the day disappears in a blur of presentations, chatting, snacking on those dainty catered sandwiches and generally feeling your way into the place. We’re going sailing tomorrow as a team-building excercise.

The weather prediction says gale force winds overnight into the morning. It’s blowing a gale outside right now actually.

And right now… I need me some sleep. Haven’t had to concentrate constantly for that long since Elvis was a boy. Figureatively speaking.

What I think is a pretty good question

I’m sitting here wondering what in the hell I did on the net before I began to read blogs and download big files. Y’know, back in the old dialup days. My only answer is that no wonder RSS is getting popular; it’s such a bloody good idea.

Preliminary Report

So I’ve been here two days…

  • Sydney is hot. Which is nice, and which I recall quite clearly.
  • Sydney is humid. Which is less nice. And I don’t recall it being this humid at all.
  • Living alone has its own ups and downs. I think in part this will sort itself out when I start working, bringing something of a routine to the place, but it’s altogether too tempting to waste the day lying in front of the TV when there’s no-one to supervise.
  • Dialup is oh so frustrating. You want to be sure each and every page loaded is worth it.
  • You can’t imagine what it’s like not having a car once you’ve had it for so long. Feels almost like it’s a ticket to freedom and fun.
  • The utility of cordless phones is vastly, vastly underestimated.
  • … did I mention I can’t wait for work to start?

I wuz gonna post something long…

… but I got distracted by a lovely afternoon spent as one would if one were 15 with nothing better to do. At the “mall”.

Anyway, by all accounts, I am off to Sydney tomorrow morning and I will stagnate there for a couple of days (read: watch movies, read books, eat popcorn, do all the things my parents tell me not to do and do them all day.) before work starts on Monday. I hope to have access all set, but due to the extreme lag Australian ADSL seems to take from application to activation it’ll be dialup and I don’t quite know how I’ll cope. Slowly, I suppose.

Until such time my friends… au revoir!