6 Replies to “Obama!”

  1. It’s good to see democracy actually doing what it is suppose to do, rather than coming out with an idiot!

    There seems to be alot of optimism about Obama and I can only hope he lives up to the hype and really transform America for the better.

  2. To take the pessimist view, it can only go downhill from here :) but yes, it’s somewhat of a relief to get someone coherent in there and without any controversy on the final days no less.

  3. To be honest, if you think about it, the Republican made quite a smart move.

    They knew there’s no chance they will win this. Hillary or Obama were too strong and everyone hated Bush. They knew this is probably a bad term to win anyways, so what do they do?

    Send in someone that can’t possibly run 2012 onwards, and get someone that has absolutely no credibility to run with him?

    So they both get slaughtered.. but the best of the Republican talents can come back 2012 without any of this defeat smearing them.

    Well played.

  4. but the best of the Republican talents can come back 2012 without any of this defeat smearing them.

    Which “best of the Republican talents”? Hope you don’t mean Giuliani :P

    They’re in a similar position to that of the Liberals in Aus following the defeat last year, no clear leader in sight. Might take a while to sort out, but then I suppose they’ve got 3 years before they really need to look at it again.

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