Now, I would never presume to advise negatively on fashion, but those “formal shorts” some of you are choosing to wear these days?
What are you, twelve?
never could get the hang of thursdays
Now, I would never presume to advise negatively on fashion, but those “formal shorts” some of you are choosing to wear these days?
What are you, twelve?
What formal shorts? *_*
whoa, that was quick!
I’m not sure if they’re cropping up in Melbourne or not – they do tend to have a better sense of fashion down there. They’re really thin-legged shorts that go to about short skirt length (just above the knee), which look vaguely formal in that if they were the length of pants they’d be ok.
we have them here – women were wearing then in summer, and now wear them over footless tights with high heels. i agree, it’s not a good look.
ugh, don’t even get me started on the all-pervading tights!