
Woo~ total lack of stuff to talk about, so… the fallback position! random meme. Post a comment and:

  1. I’ll respond with something random about you
  2. I’ll challenge you to try something
  3. I’ll pick a color that I associate with you
  4. I’ll tell you something I like about you
  5. I’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
  6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of
  7. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you
  8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours! (Or, you know, not.)

Comment away!

10 Replies to “Randomised”

  1. Rant about politics (what i just did *looks guilty*)… there’s plenty to talk about in the holy lands today.

  2. I’ll take that as the first invitation :)

    1. You look/sound like you’d be a whole bunch of fun to hang with
    2. Try surfing. I don’t know if you already do, but I think you’d be in one of the most prime locations in the world to do it, so take advantage of it!
    3. a pale pink (think Fuu)
    4. I like the fact that you care about what’s happening in the world
    5. this is probably a little pointless in this case… but hey! on the WotC forum. I think you’d joined before me, though, so it might have been in my “hi all” post.
    6. A content cheshire cat
    7. How old are you? :P
    8. go on now :)

    And yeah, for all that serious-type stuff I tend to post that elsewhere, unless it really strikes close to home, because i tend to find that it bogs me down even more here.

  3. hehehe i finally updated my blog! *woot* and you were the first to notice *huggles*

    talk about animals… animals are fun…. and what fun animals get up to :P *giggle*

  4. lol, that’s the power of RSS :)

    1. Did you know that Chicky is secretly a big nerd underneath all that prettyness? It’s true!
    2. Try bench-pressing more than the bar :P
    3. Red, because… well for some reason. I think you wore a red top a number of times…
    4. I love the fact that you’re always ready to try something new
    5. On the bus to uni, first time i met you, you were sitting next to Fiona, and I was rambling on about something and you laughed… and I was like :heart: because you laughed at my lame jokes :D
    6. Hmmm… probably a baby chick (i.e. lil’ chicken, pun not intended) because you play up the whole cute & innocent angle, while staying more than a little hyperactive most of the time =P (this is so left-field)
    7. Will you go out with me? No, I kid! Tell me, did you resist laughing when you found out your boyfriend’s name for the first time?
    8. *pokes* keep posting!

    I’ll try to find an animal-related story… I think I had one in mind, but didn’t end up writing it. Wasn’t that one with the kitten enough? :)

  5. I am afraid to comment on this post but maybe if I say somethere here it will stop you from commenting elsewhere.

    You should write about something extremely embarrassing and private.

  6. Jack:
    1. Jack is less emo than many would think, but he does his best to hide it
    2. Try not being a cyncial ass for a week
    3. Brown.
    4. You’re easy to get on with in real life
    5. Ama had dragged me around to under-the-stairs-near-the-labs and you were there with Lachie, Daniel et al.
    6. A panda (don’t ask)
    7. Do you secretly have crush on Addy?
    8. when you’re good & ready.

    Fay’s been responded to via email =)

  7. aww how nice! I’m actually scared to surf. I know how to swim in like a swimming pool or calm Hawaiian snorkeling… but the strong waves, rocks and reef scare me half to death. Not to mention my fear of being in deep (opaque) open water.

    A cheshire cat huh? I wonder why I always get associated with cats/kitties… might be the name.

    18. You?

  8. oic… i thought you were a year or two older. very mature for 18!

    tho I’m one to talk… I’m 20, going on 21.

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