The Game by Neil Strauss

I’ve had rave reviews about this book; I’ve had people tell me it is the bible for the average guy trying to work out how to actually pick up women; I’ve got at least 3 friends sufficiently drawn into this book and its teachings that they are looking at taking it to the next level.

I finally picked it up Friday, on a bit of a whim and an overloaded wallet. I’m 200 pages through and it’s a blinder. Absolutely awesome read.

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists isn’t so much a description of how to crack into the secret society, nor is it actually a guide to picking up women (at least not completely). It’s more of a narrative which incorporates those elements into Neil Strauss’s supposedly true story. I say supposedly because I’m not entirely certain how much to believe in this book – there are times when you just think “No way that’s real.” It hovers just on that knife edge that means you will continue to believe that it is real, but you occasionally are more comfortable with it being fiction than fact.

The techniques? I’m not a teacher, and I think you have to discover them and learn how to apply them yourself. Suffice to say however that my application of some of the guidelines have already – without practise – resulted in a 10 fold improvement in my ability to get talking to a stranger woman, and probably an similar improvement in the flirting rate. I like this book =)

It’s by no means a bible though. Still, check it out, if you’re a guy. Ladies… probably don’t want/shouldn’t read this :P

3 Replies to “The Game by Neil Strauss”

  1. Lol dating book.

    The fact that you don’t want ladies to read the book implies there is something suspicious going on or that the book encourages you to do things you’re not exceptionally proud of. Personally I think both sexes need to learn more about the rules of attraction.

  2. Judging from the amazon reviews, Niel learns that his pick-up techniques aren’t the end-all solution to women—anyway, if there’s ever a book on how to pick up women I think we should read it, so we know what kind of schemes men might come at us with… lol. I guess what I really should look out for is the intention, since some guys could just be wanting to get to know a girl, whereas others just want her in bed, etc… now I just have to find the books for women on how to deal with men.

  3. Ok I posted that at 11 o’clock, and then went on to read another 150 pages or so before finally being unable to read more. Then the train this morning I got through another 50 pages or so… wait for followup post.

    Jack: not a dating book. That’s what I thought at first, but it’s actually more like a memoir, which happens to describe some techniques – not complete detail.

    And I say that to the ladies jokingly. It’s an entertaining read, and there’s nothing suspicious in there that you can truly apply – things that I would consider bordering-on-evil are things you have to learn through much other reading material and possibly straight up teaching. But yes, it does describe some of the rules of attraction.

    Kahiti: hehe, I was expecting people to pick up on that. I posted this when I was exactly at the halfway point of the book, in terms of the way the story goes. It’s a completely different story on the other side of the book, so yeah, that’s what it is pointing at. But yeah, check it out because I can just see guys trying to pull the moves =)

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