Harbour Views? Tick.
Actually, that’s about it for knowing when you’re really working in Sydney. What more can you truly ask for than harbour views from your office when you’re merely a graduate? It’s stunningly gorgeous. I remember those moments of doubt, of questioning myself as to why i went through the hassle to move up to Sydney, and then I look out the window and… bang, there it is. I’m sorry, no other way to put it.
I avoided giving a description yesterday of Sailing because it’s one of those had-to-be-there type of things. I’m not the greatest sailor by any means, and the blowy winds didn’t help what so ever, and while there were some hair-raising moments, the adrenaline rush wiped it out and the whole experience was very positive. Plus it helps that we snatched 2nd place in a field of seven when rounding the first bend we’d been 6th. Come-from-behind? There is no better definition!
Still, I’m your stock land-loving rat, and when all pirate jokes were aside it was real and it was hard and all in all I’d rather be on something a fair bit more sizeable. Say with 6 decks or so.
Today consisted of more presentations introducing us to the bank and its policies. HR, Compliance, and a demonstration of how the whole bank works together. (I asked for policies on dooceability, but beyond the standard privacy policy – god knows there’s enough of them – I’m free to blog. Nothing to specific, obviously.) Thrown in the mix was lunch with the previous year’s grads. Finally the day was capped by cocktails with the Australia-NZ CEO, at which there was an abundance of everything but cocktails, but I’m not one much to mind. Met my manager and worked out roughly what i’m doing. The deep end it truly is.
And thus… it begins. Tomorrow morning, 9am, office, work. Harbour Views though. Don’t know if I’ll actually get work done with that view out the window…
(oh and p.s. I wonder how quickly you can call people friends. I did kinda automatically today, wonder whether the label will stick =D)
You might end up like Eugene, drinking coffee and bored out of your big nerdy IT trained brain with nothing better to do BUT stare at the harbour view.
Well of course you’re “free to blog”. Just like I’m free to search through anyone’s garbage as soon as they leave it out on the street. These are rights that are protected (to a reasonable extent) by the law.
What exactly is their policy on blogging?
Harbour views everything good again~ :D
zhi: looking at my first day, little chance of that. Very little chance.
Jack: I’ve heard of policies where employees aren’t allowed to blog – in the sense that even if you have a private blog, you’ve got to shut it down because it might incidentally harm the company. And DB has no policy on blogging, beyond treating it like all other correspondence.
Celina: hahah you can bet :)
Great…we got ditched coz of a view. >_<
hehe, welcome back to the net Fay =) and hey, if you were here you’d ditch it all for the view too :P
I’m sure Sydney ain’t all that great. Although, much could be said for something more than the Yarra…
Can you post up some photos of the views you get from your office?
will do. As soon as I find my phone’s data cable. Even then, the phone camera is pretty inadequate… but getting my own camera is a couple of paychecks away at least.
geh, tried to take a pic with my phone camera but it is totally inadequate. Photos of the view will have to wait until I get a proper camera (and find a way to avoid looking like a total fool taking a photo from my desk.)