So I’ve been here two days…
- Sydney is hot. Which is nice, and which I recall quite clearly.
- Sydney is humid. Which is less nice. And I don’t recall it being this humid at all.
- Living alone has its own ups and downs. I think in part this will sort itself out when I start working, bringing something of a routine to the place, but it’s altogether too tempting to waste the day lying in front of the TV when there’s no-one to supervise.
- Dialup is oh so frustrating. You want to be sure each and every page loaded is worth it.
- You can’t imagine what it’s like not having a car once you’ve had it for so long. Feels almost like it’s a ticket to freedom and fun.
- The utility of cordless phones is vastly, vastly underestimated.
- … did I mention I can’t wait for work to start?
I guess the only thing you can do is blog every hour until work starts.
[ed: comment about dialup edited. PG-rated please, Jack.]
Are you going to get housemates or are you planning on living alone for that long?
gonna try to get one person to share. My house isn’t exactly well-positioned for people who typically share houses, being out in the ‘burbs and all, but we’ll see what we get.
What?!?!? PG rated??? Pfft! That’s not why I surf the net!! :P
And how can you edit someone’s comment?????!!! (I’d like to know so I can get rid of my typos >
I thought you said you had your car moved up there?
hui-ai: there are certain comments I don’t appreciate, and my parents are reading so let’s keep the decorum just that little bit nice. if you want to be able to edit your comments, you have to register yourself for this blog. let me know if you’re utterly paranoid about your own comments.
oh and jack – as a followup (which I couldn’t make because of server downtime), RSS only helps for sites you’ve already been to, and standards compliance doesn’t help beyond 10% of HTML – and I think you’ve forgotten how slow dialup really is.
Regan: yeah but I didn’t have it for a day and a half, which was enough =)
haha—yeah, just waiting for the routine to set in and start feeling like “business as usual”… Hopefully your work will bring the reprieve from disorganization anticipated.
Good luck to ya, and have fun getting back into the rhythm of Sydney.
Speaking of which… reminds me of LOST. (Mysterious island, plane crash, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural spectrum of possible p.c….) Is that show as popular in Australia as it is here? I’ve become addicted of late…
Lost is pretty popular methinks, but I prefer House M.D.
Karan: PG rated is pretty boring. M15+ is not THAT bad ;). Plus I’m sure your parents are all grown up.
Lost is very popular =) and yeah, it’s been an interesting day… more later probably
Zhi: my website, my discretion.
K: yeah I know, and I would too. oh and i’ve managed to install WP onto mine as well