– Fun With Dick and Jane: not actually all that much fun as is promised. Hilarious in some bits, but Jim Carey is just so Jim Carey at times and you want him to sit down. 3 stars.
– Memoirs of a Geisha looks suitably fantastic. Never having read the book despite all promises to myself to, I wouldn’t know how close it is to the original, but it promises drama and high tension. Need someone and somewhere arty to go see it to get the atmosphere right.
– Australia, if you’re going to defeat every cricketing nation that comes before you, at least have the compassion to get it over and done with quickly. Don’t stretch it out and make like there’s some hope. Some of us can’t stand the tension.
– With nothing particularly exciting going on, there’s not much to blog about. Learning guitar, reading Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and 7 Habits of Highly whatever People simply because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE LEFT TO READ. And I am a book addict. Listening to my music library over again on the iPod after reloading it in Sydney (have just realised an audiobook is on the pod but have not started it. must hop-to.) And um yeah stuff. Missing y’all – what with Fay and Peter both out of country, suddenly people who call me outta the blue is down to like nil. Miss ya, Fay, if you ever get to read this. Peter man, hope Japan is all it was promised to be.
– edit: Another realisation! These long 3 years at uni, I totally neglected my CSSE guys & gals. They’re awesome people, the guys open and fun-loving, the girls cute and gorgeous with a stable attitude to life (can’t underrate how valuable that is to me) – these people, to be my future coworkers & collegues, and I what did I do? I spent most of my time hanging around a bunch of old high school friends, pretending to be part of that old-skool clique. the things I miss out on. lé sigh. [totally forgot how I was going to write this in my post-midnight epiphany, but it’s close enough anyway.]
man im so addicted to self help / motivation books :D
they are the best!
Dude…missin’ ya too. I’m starting to miss everyone a lot more than I thought I was. Japan isn’t everything I expected it to be but it’s definately been made up for. I think we would’ve had similar expectations. Still planning to go up to Syd. when I get back.
chicky: lol yeah they are pretty cool :)
peter: haha yeah I suspect we had very similar expectations and experiences on getting to Japan. And you’re more than welcome up in Sydney man! Simon’s also planning something so get in touch with him when you get back (Soon right?)
now ain’t this post a whole lotta love!
It’s “le sigh” not “lé sigh”- that spelling would be pronounced the same as “les sighs” so you can get away with it if you claim to be using phonetic spelling. (though not the international phonetic alphabet- very tricky.) The actual french would be «le soupir». so u got the gender right.
what does the accent do? I just threw it in because I was bored and it seemed like the right thing to do. I’m imagining something vocalised as ‘leh sigh’, just to make sure it’s not read as ‘lee sigh’.
The acute accent changes the way you pronounce it. It indicates the e-sound should finish higher than when you started it. Considering that the e-sound is not a very long sound at all, it is a bit awkward.
So yes, you’re correct in thinking it should be vocalised as “leh sigh”. It’s just that the French “le” is not vocalised as “leh”. I think it’s more like “leaf” rather than “lesbian”. The French “les” is vocalised as “leh” assuming the word following it does not begin with a vowel or an ‘h’.
Of course, I dropped out of French so don’t listen to me.
now I realise why my sister totally hated french.
Miss ya Karan!!!
HAHAHA you read this now?! :P