The Big Picture blog has some great photos of the Apollo 11 mission on the 40th anniversary of the take-off.
Billie Tweets
A tribute to Michael Jackson, Web mashup style: Oh Internet, how you surprise me daily.
Fallen Princesses
Fallen Princesses is a series of images imagining Disney’s Princesses post-“Happily ever after”. Some great juxtapositions, especially Belle of Beauty and the Beast.
Andy Ihnatko on Google Wave
In case you haven’t heard of Google Wave, or haven’t had the time to watch the video and realise how it really will change just about everything to do with the internet, Andy Ihnatko has written his take on it, and it pretty much lines up with mine – this is genuinely new, and if it’s not revolutionary, it’s certainly evolutionary on the same scale that Homo Sapiens is.
Time Travel for relationships
Step Seven: When she enters the room pretend to be unconscious. Allow her to turn you over and try to wake you for a few seconds before you open your eyes. The injuries to your body will serve as a distraction to your nakedness. She will be more concerned about your wellbeing instead of fearing the naked man in her room.
Step Ten: If your friend is a curious person she will probably ask ‘What worked?’, even if she doesn’t ask this question it is important that you now say the words ‘(Insert Friend’s Name), I’m from the future’ in your most deadpan voice.
Step Eleven: Pause for ten seconds to allow the incrediblness of the situation to sink in. There will be no reason for her to doubt your claim, because your beard will make you appear many years older and your cuts would add weight to the idea that you’ve come from a post-apocalyptic future where a war is currently taking place.
Presidential Lolz
Machine Man
Max Barry (my favourite Australian author) is experimenting with publishing a ‘real time serial’ online, I guess kinda along the lines of how novels were published in days of yore. Depending on how it goes, you’ll be able to buy the full thing later, as a way to support the author directly.
Launches tomorrow, so sign up now!
Avenue Q in Australia
Avenue Q is coming to Australia! Melbourne from 29th May to 28th June at the Comedy Theatre, Sydney from 8th August to 6th September, other capitals to follow.
You know how your face hurts from laughing too much? Watching this made my abs hurt from laughing. Think of it as an abdominal-and-facial-muscle exercise session.
Want a sampler? The internet is for porn!
Laziest Redesign Evar
*cough* So, Um, kinda got bored of that last “theme” I’d hacked together without much motivation. Thus you have the SimpleX theme running here.
Still have yet to figure out a good place for the Twitter & feed (if they’re actually wanted), but on the other hand, a whole lot more of this still is far more accessible now that there’s a traditional sidebar over there on the right. Give it a poke some time.
There’s also a ye-olde link list, though I’ve only taken a cursory look through to ensure sites linked to aren’t dead. Depressingly, most of the friend sites linked there are dead blogs or sites, so the cull was brutal.
So until the next theme takes my fancy, enjoy ximple/
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