My 43 Places Won’t you come along with me? =)
Windows Vista Review
Paul Thurrott reviews latest Windows Vista Beta Build: 4 Parter. It looks very much like a beefed-up, prettier XP with a bunch of Apple-like in built apps, such as Windows Calendar. Hardly looks worth the effort they seem to be putting in, and really doesn’t deliever on a whole new experience – XP was a bigger step. Wait and See.
First thought of 2006
First thought of 2006: No, I really will not try to organise things this year.
It’s a Wonderful Internet
It’s a Wonderful Internet – “Every time a bell rings, a baby website gets its own URL” =D
Firefox Extensions
Demockratees! (sounds like a greek philosopher)
It’s so very… gooey. Only it’s Goowy, and it’s cool. Maybe it’s ‘groovy’ with a lisp? Anyway, check it out. Very Web 2.0, and Very Cool.
Intelligence & Design
Scott Adams lays it down on Intelligent Design – to some extent (right at the end) he’s making some of the mistakes he criticised in saying that don’t misrepresent the issue (Atheists aren’t the only ones that believe in evolution), but otherwise a fairly thoughtful post.
Guest post meme
Inspired by this post, I’m taking submissions for a guest post or two, to be published around Christmas-New Year. Please email me if you have something that might be of interest to me & those who read this site. No set topic, and no editing on my part if selected!