The Gillette Fusion: Now with 5 blades! (Plus another one mounted backwards) When will the madness end?
Visited: MCA Sydney
Visited the MCA today during lunchtime, to see the Kienholz exhibit – drawn in particularly by the promo pic of the Statute of Liberty holding up a neon sign saying “It’s not my fault” – great image. For the rest of the exhibit however, I realised I’m not much suited to the appreciation of contempary art. Or most art for that matter.
Did you know
Did you know… my ADSL modem has been sitting roughly 10 metres behind me for the last 3 days, and I didn’t even know.
Cheney Shoots Lawyer, claims pre-emptive defence
Dick Cheney needs some new glasses, stat: It’s almost as good as Bush choking on a pretzel. See also Scott Adams’ and Davezilla’s take on it. Bitter Pill exposes his true nature. The Internet is having a field day.
Witt & Wisdom on interviews: If you can answer the killer question he’s got there, chances are you’ll get a job anywhere.
What I think is a pretty good question
I’m sitting here wondering what in the hell I did on the net before I began to read blogs and download big files. Y’know, back in the old dialup days. My only answer is that no wonder RSS is getting popular; it’s such a bloody good idea.
Perth’s Flying/Hovering Car
Perth has a flying/hovering car: I’m a fan of the Harry Potter theory (via Nathan)
The Bubble Project
The Bubble Project: Put speech bubbles on posters, stand back and wait for the public to fill them in.
Google “Stop Pong”
AmEx isn’t doing such a good job for their Stop Pong campaign, because I’m top Google for it… somehow >.> Viva la Blog!
Happy Invasion Day!
Let us celebrate this day in history! Onwards and upwards, indeed. (also see this image)