6 Replies to “Blog from Word 2007”

  1. hmmz…I STILL WON’T USE IT!

    It’s freakin’ MS! What the heck?!? Oh well, I guess it’s ok for those other people though…

  2. For Office, there really is little other by way of alternative… Microsoft does alright, y’know? Even if they do charge way too much for what you get.

  3. no, it’s meant to be that you do all your editing etc inside Word, and then hit publish, which uploads it to your WordPress/MoveableType/whatever blog.

    It’d be better than WordPress’ unreliable rich text editor, that’s for sure. I think they’re on the ball in that they’re putting this feature in just as blogging hits critical mainstream mass.

  4. Dude, blogging’s mostly text formatting. If people can’t venture out into the real world and do it without Word-o-matic, they need to learn to type again.

  5. what? Most people would be familiar with Word, so it makes it easier for them to make the transition. Word’s got shortcuts, on the fly spell-checking, controllable layout – a whole bunch of things that make life a lot easier for the average joe (and that’s what this is about, in the end). If the HTML produced by this is good, then there’s little reason to use the WordPress rich text editor. Using the WordPress raw editor is not going to be for the average guy who doesn’t know an <em> from an <i>.

    There’s currently a bunch of programs out there that do this already, but if it’s integrated into Word it makes it a much easier decision on what to use – familiarity is a wonderful thing.

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