
Woke up this morning a minute or so before my alarm – something my body manages to instinctively start doing about a week after getting into a regular waking time, and it’s totally frustrating when I want to sleep in. I remembered the last dream I had, which I presume was moments before I woke up, and it was a bizarre one. I was wandering the streets of a Sydney-esque CBD with two friends, Ama & Chicky, and Chicky touched a poisonous green-tree-frog-like crocodile and fainted. The rush was then on to get her to a hospital in time, and we were running across the city following some strange signs to the nearest hospital. I was carrying Chicky, and Ama refused to help because he said “She’s your responsibility.” We got to the hospital in the nick of time, and that’s when I woke up.

So uh.. any dream interpreters out there?

8 Replies to “Dreaming”

  1. lol, stay off the Sydney water dude!

    I’d say that your subconcious is worried for your friends now that you are no longer in melbourne to look after them. the whole tree-frog-crocodile (WTF!?) in the city thing is an indication of how worried you are since it represents something that is totally unrealistic. The whole ama being selfish thing is well… i wont say :P

  2. actually, regan summed it up in the 1st line. all that other mumbo jumbo thrown in was wholly gypsy magic schtum. sorry regan :P

  3. lol, the Sydney water’s not that bad. Just… warmer than it should be to truly be called “cold”…

    and the whole tree-frog-crocodile… well, it had skin like a frog, but it was shaped like a crocodile. I don’t know how to express it!

    also, anyone want to have a shot at the dream from last night? A female plain-clothes ticket inspector gets me for travelling without a ticket, but I plead innoncence because I’m from Melbourne and I thought ticket machines were on the train (a total lie, and I know it in the dream). She takes pity on me, dismisses the fine, and then gives me her number, saying “we should hang out, I’ll show you around the place.”

    My dreams are getting more and more bizzaro by the day. it must be something I’m eating (all that meat is going to my head).

  4. karan likes his women with power, but also with a softer, gentler caring side. actually, sounds a bit like a mother doesn’t it…?

    y on earth would i touch that thing for??
    can’t believe ama wouldn’t help. its not like i weigh that much….. O_o

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